We finally made it!! After all the hard work we are extremely pleased to inform you that Hurn House is completed and ready for occupation, the building looks absolutely fantastic and we have had very positive feedback from both the University and Language schools. The front of house management team is all now set up to run the building and we have been awarded the national code of Standard for large Student Developments, this is a great achievement as we are now a preferred student halls provider. We express our sincere gratitude to those investors who supported us all the way, it’s been a long journey but we are very pleased to deliver Hurn House and look forward to a positive future with you. Finally we must thank all our contractors who worked continuously to make this happen:
Meridian Lifts
Circuit Laundry
Jade Aden Steel fabricators
MR Carpentry
MJG Plumbing and heating suppliers
B&R Electrical contractors
Scott Carty Decorators
Marco Glazing
Domestic Sprinklers
Sales Mark West flooring
Trovex Wall cladding
Dorset scaffolding
PGP and WT Partnership have verified works payments to ensure we are all in accordance with contracts, they are both extremely pleased with the works and confirm we have satisfied all requirements for the completion.
Kindest Regards
WS Team