Wilson and Sharp are delighted to announce our latest student development in Falmouth town centre.

We have seen a fantastic growth in Falmouth University and now that it is recognised as the highest ranked Arts University in the UK, it has firmly unpinned its success. After our own due diligence of the current student accommodation on offer we decided to submit a full planning application for high quality purpose build student accommodation to cater for the excessive demand for student beds in Falmouth. Our development will be 116 beds with onsite communal facilities and 24hr management plan in place with our dedicated and experienced team.

Wilson and Sharp look forward to working alongside Falmouth University on this long term student investment.


We finally made it!! After all the hard work we are extremely pleased to inform you that Hurn House is completed and ready for occupation, the building looks absolutely fantastic and we have had very positive feedback from both the University and Language schools. The front of house management team is all now set up to run the building and we have been awarded the national code of Standard for large Student Developments, this is a great achievement as we are now a preferred student halls provider. We express our sincere gratitude to those investors who supported us all the way, it’s been a long journey but we are very pleased to deliver Hurn House and look forward to a positive future with you. Finally we must thank all our contractors who worked continuously to make this happen:

Meridian Lifts

Circuit Laundry

Jade Aden Steel fabricators

MR Carpentry

MJG Plumbing and heating suppliers

B&R Electrical contractors

Scott Carty Decorators

Marco Glazing

Domestic Sprinklers

Sales Mark West flooring

Trovex Wall cladding

Dorset scaffolding

PGP and WT Partnership have verified works payments to ensure we are all in accordance with contracts, they are both extremely pleased with the works and confirm we have satisfied all requirements for the completion.

Kindest Regards

WS Team

Hurn House Final week to Completion – June 15th 2015


Looks like Hurn house is finally getting there!! Once again our team have been fantastic and have been working around the clock to make sure we hit our deadlines for completion, all the final cosmetic touches are being done now and so furnishing is being put in place ready for student occupation. The current sub-contractors working on site are:

Meridian Lifts

Circuit Laundry

Jade Aden Steel fabricators

MR Carpentry

MJG Plumbing and heating suppliers

B&R Electrical contractors

Scott Carty Decorators

Marco Glazing

Domestic Sprinklers

Sales Mark West flooring

Trovex Wall cladding

Dorset scaffolding

English Trading Company


Please find below a detailed list of all works completed over the last three weeks;

  • Painting and decoration of all plasterboard walls and woodwork to floors 1.
  • First and second coats of Paint to communal stairs and plastering of all communal walls for 1-11, and painting handrails.
  • Front entrance A has been prepared and new steps have been formed, new aluminium doors have just been installed!!!!
  • Completed 100% of second fix electrical works to floor 10 and 11 and completed 100% first fix and second on floor 1.
  • Completed 100% of plumbing works to floor 1.
  • Ply flooring has now been played on floors 10/11, Amtico floor covering has now been laid on Floor 10/11 and will commence of floor 1 this week.
  • Aluminium Front doors have been fitted, and key fob system is now being installed


  • Lift motor has been reconditioned and is ready for use, the new lift parts have arrived from Italy and the construction of the new lift has commenced.
  • Steel staircase for floors 10 and 11 is now complete, and fully installed between floors 10 / 11.
  • Steel staircase for the fire escape has now been fully erected and the external cladding is 90% complete.
  • Additional kitchens and furniture for floors 1/10/11 are all installed and Trovex splash backs have been applied
  • The laundry facility room now being prepared and washing machine/dryers are being fitted now.
  • All appliances have now been delivered for all studio kitchens and communal lounges
  • Curtains are being fitted now.
  • LABC warranty providers have been on site to review progress and confirm specification.
  • Building control have visited site to ensure we are conforming to current regulations.


PGP and WT Partnership are constantly onsite monitoring progress and verifying works payments to ensure we are all in accordance with contracts, they are both extremely satisfied with works and confirm we are on progress for completion. We have confirmed bookings for the first week in July for all of Hurn house for summer rentals which is fantastic news for all involved. We look forward to providing further updates in two weeks and hope you are all pleased with progress onsite, if you have any questions please feel free to contact our team.




Hurn House Nearing Completion 16th April 2015

Great news everyone, the steel staircase is finally erected and all the way unto 11 stories !!!, we have been working around the clock to make this happen and our team have been fantastic in performing to ensure we maintain our completion deadlines.

Currently working on site are the following contractors and we have 25 full-time labour and management staff under Wilson and Sharp Group.

Meridian Lifts

Jade Aden Steel fabricators

MR Carpentry

MJG Plumbing and heating suppliers

B&R Electrical contractors

Scott Carty Decorators

Marco Glazing

Domestic Sprinklers

Sales Mark West flooring

Hampshire Chasing

Dorset Crane Hire

Dorset scafolding

The team have been working extremely hard on floors 10/11 and are now almost complete and ready for soft furnishings, in the last week we have received two full truck loads of furniture to complete all kitchens and bedrooms on floors 1/10/11 . The boarding/carpentry team have now dropped down to floor one to complete works, the painting and decorating team have commenced painting through floor 1 and are staring to make good the communal stairs ready for painting and flooring coverings to be applied. We have completed the following areas in Hurn house over the past 3 weeks:

  • Painting and decoration of all plasterboard walls and woodwork to floors 10/11 and started on floor 1.
  • Tested and installed all electrical works to fuse boards / rooms and communal areas to floors 10/11.
  • Completed 100% of first fix electrical works to floor 10 and 11 and completed second fix on floor 10 and 80% on floor 11.
  • Completed 100% of plumbing and ventilation works to floor 10 and 11.
  • Flooring on 9 has been ply’ed and floors 10/11 will be commenced this week, all amtico flooring product is now onsite and ready to be installed.
  • New aluminium doors have now been designed and ordered of front entrances, will be delivered in 3 weeks.
  • Lift has commenced refurbishment and new lift parts have now been ordered and will be onsite in 4 weeks.
  • Steel staircase for floors 10 and 11 is now complete, the flooring slab has been cut out and the stairs will be installed next week.
  • Steel staircase for the fire escape has now been fully erected all the way unto the 11th floor, we will commence the cladding material next week so we can close the stairs and have 100% complete by mid May.
  • Additional furniture for floors 1/10/11 have been delivered in two truck loads and is now being loaded out into each room for carpenters to assemble and fit.
  • Wi fi system has been ordered
  • All appliances have now been ordered for all studio kitchens and communal lounges
  • Curtains have been manufactured and we are arranging fitting for last week in May
  • LABC warranty providers have been on site to review progress and confirm specification.
  • Building control have visited site to ensure we are conforming to current regulations.

PGP and WT Partnership are constantly onsite monitoring progress and verifying works payments to ensure we are all in accordance with contracts, they are both extremely satisfied with works and confirm we are on progress for completion. We have confirmed bookings for the first week in July for all of Hurn house for summer rentals which is fantastic news for all involved. We look forward to providing further updates in two weeks and hope you are all pleased with progress onsite, if you have any questions please feel free to contact our team.

Hurn House progress

Hurn House progress

Currently working on site are the following contractors and we have 15 full-time labour and management staff under Wilson and Sharp.

Meridian Lifts

Jade Aden Steel fabricators

MR Carpentry

MJG Plumbing and heating suppliers

B&R Electrical contractors

Scott Carty Decorators

Marco Glazing

Domestic Sprinklers

The team have been working extremely hard on floors 10/11 and are now almost complete and ready for painting and soft furnishings. The boarding/carpentry team will now be ready to drop down to floor one to commence works along side the M and E contractors, we have completed the following areas in Hurn house over the past 3 weeks:

  • Painting and decoration of all plasterboard walls and woodwork to floors 6/7/8/9 and initial base coat onto floor 10.
  • Tested and installed all electrical works to fuse boards / rooms and communal areas to floors 7/8/9
  • Completed 100% of first fix electrical works to floor 10 and 90% to floor 11
  • Completed 100% of plumbing and ventilation works to floor 10 and 70% to floor 11
  • Flooring on 9/10/11 will be plyed and ready for vinyl coverings from next week
  • New aluminium doors have now been designed and ordered of front entrances.
  • Lift has commenced refurbishment and new lift parts have now been ordered.
  • Steel staircase for floors 10 and 11 is now complete and ready to be delivered to site.
  • Steel staircase for the fire escape will be delivered from Tuesday the 28th and the first 3 floors will be erected by spider crane.
  • Additional furniture for floors 1/10/11 have been designed and ordered, the furniture is planned in for delivery in 3 weeks
  • Concrete cutting of floor slab has commenced in floor 10, and steel will be installed next week to form staircase between 10/11
  • LABC warranty providers have been on site to review progress and confirm specification.
  • Building control have visited site to ensure we are conforming to current regulations.
PGP and WT Partnership are constantly onsite monitoring progress and verifying works payments to ensure we are all in accordance with contracts, they are both extremely satisfied with works and confirm we are on progress for completion. We look forward to providing further updates in two weeks and hope you are all pleased with progress onsite.

Hurn House Construction Update

Hurn House Construction Update

Since our last update we have increased the work force on site, we are now employing over 50 contract workers in order to maintain construction deadlines and hit the completion date for May 31st. The list of contractors we have working on site are as follows:

Meridian Lifts

Jade Aden Steel fabricators

MR Carpentry

MJG Plumbing and heating suppliers

B&R Electrical contractors

Scott Carty Decorators

Marco Glazing

In addition to the above WS labour force and professional team are onsite daily, monitoring progress and setting targets to ensure deadlines are met. We have a professional report being issued by PGP which is due to be sent out w/c 9/2, and will be forwarded to all investors.

Since our last construction update we have progressed forward on the following areas of Hurn House:

  • Painting and decoration of all plasterboard walls and woodwork to floors 3/4/5
  • Installed kitchens in studios and communal lounges to floors 3/4/5/6/7/8
  • Tested and installed all electrical works to fuse boards / rooms and communal areas to floors 3/4/5/6
  • Installed all windows and exterior doors to 1st floor studio apartments.
  • Completed 95% of first fix electrical works to floor 10.
  • Completed 65% of plumbing and ventilation works to floor 10.
  • Lift has commenced refurbishment and new lift parts have now been ordered.
  • Steel staircase for floors 10 and 11 is now complete and ready to be delivered to site.
  • Steel staircase for the fire escape has now been ordered and is in production, lead time is currently 8 weeks.
  • Additional furniture for floors 1/10/11 have been designed and order will be confirmed next week so units can be put into production.
  • Concrete cutting of section between 10/11 will start next week so we can fit the internal steel staircase.
  • LABC warranty providers have been on site to review progress and confirm specification.
  • Building control have visited site to ensure we are conforming to current regulations.
  • Hurn Roof has now passed all testing requirements and we have been issued the sign off certificate.

We appreciate all investors support and we will be looking forward to reporting on construction progress in two weeks’ time. Please contact Wilson and Sharp Investments if you have any further questions.

WS Team

Hurn House on Track

Hurn House on Track

Wilson and Sharp are pleased to confirm that our contractors are back onsite, since January the 5th we have had our carpentry, plasterboard and labour team all working on the interior of Hurn house repairing floors 3-9 and making efficient progress on floors 10-11, forming all stud wall partitions to make rooms, corridors and communal lounges. On January the 19th as promised to all investors we have increased workforce and our electricians, plumbers, painters and lift engineers are now working through the floors, materials are being delivered onsite daily by all our suppliers so we can ensure the progress remains efficient and on track for the May deadline. We have a meeting planned in for January 22nd with the main steel contractor, we will be discussing the installation of the rear staircase and will commit to place the official order as the lead time is 9 weeks for fabrication so its vital all orders are placed this week.

We currently have 31 contractors onsite and we will increase up to 45 by end of next week, by the end of Jan we will be increasing further workforce maintain fast progress. The project management team PGP have been onsite weekly since the 5th and our monitoring progress and budgets, they have sent out all letters of intent to each contractor so they are tied into works and formal contracts are going to be signed this week once with have sight of the deed of variation from your solicitor.

In terms of funds we can verify that investors are sending payments to solicitors on a daily basis and the development fund is now very near complete so we have full confidence to complete the build, there are a few clients still outstanding to send funds / respond to emails so we urge you to please action your payments immediately. Overall its been a great start back and we should all have complete confidence now that Hurn is most definitely on the road to completion, we have signed into agreements for the summer lets and we are going forward with plans for university students to occupy 100% for September.

WS will issue another update report at the end of January, in the meantime please see some pictures of progress onsite over the last 2 weeks.

Hurn House on course for May completion

Hurn House on course for May completion

Wilson and Sharp are pleased to confirm that Hurn House is now fully on the road to completion, the build programme has all works completed by May 2015. We are have already secured bookings from our language school partner EF, and they have committed to occupy over 95% of rooms throughout July and August.

The new student intake in September 2015 will be occupied by BU students and we are currently in confidential talks to secure the deal moving forward. Wilson and Sharp will be providing regular construction updates for all investors so all can see full progress on site, we look forward to delivering this fantastic new development for Bournemouth and we will bring the Hurn house building into the management of the Lulworth Student company so all can be managed successfully making sure the student well being is a first priority.

Hurn house is now on the road to becoming a great property investment attracting high yields for futures years to come.

Thanks the WS Team.

Union House Development Complete

Union House Development Complete

Wilson and Sharp are delighted to announce the completion of new student accommodation Union House here in Bournemouth.

Union House is completed and finished to a very high standard. 96% of the accommodation is now occupied, and it is the EF-Language Schools flagship halls of residence.

We are delighted to have finished the development after years of construction

The WS Team


Construction Update – Student Developments, Bournemouth

Construction Update –  Student Developments, Bournemouth

We would like to inform you that we have managed to agree the terms of completion for the Union House/Hurn House projects with a new professional team. We have outlined the names of the companies appointed so you can be reassured of their credentials below.

As previously relayed to you by Experience International we found ourselves in disagreement with the previous construction company and we have established that we could not proceed any further with them especially when the project is so close to being built. The change will not affect your investment and certainly we felt that it is the best and only way to progress to completion.

The new professional team is formed of the trades below:

Peter Dacey – Contract Administrator

Simon Morgan – Architect

Mike Pinney – Contractor

Mark Palphreyman – CDMC Co-ordinator

Based on reports given by the new construction company the new estimated completion date is May 2014 on Union House and August 2014 on Hurn House.

On a final and positive note, EF language school, Bournemouth University and Ole Spanish School have all expressed interest to secure placement for their students for 2014. The EF school have asked expressed interest for a 52 week lease on the building for approximately 60 students full time and 125 students during the summer, Bournemouth University are still interested to secure a long lease hold agreement for all rooms on a 42 week term.

Thank you for your patience and we will provide you with another progress report in April.